One of the SSL certificates used on, the President Barack Obama's political campaign website, has expired. Your browser will warn you not to visit the site now.
Hat tip to Netcraft for reporting that an SSL certificate for and * has expired. is the political campaign web site for the President. Currently it is registered to and used by Organizing For Action, a non-profit organization that promotes the President's agenda.
The certificate was issued by GoDaddy in September 2012 for one year. As the error message below indicates, best practices state that sites with expired certificates are not generally trustworthy.
The expired certificate was issued for and as a wildcard for *, but it's not the only certificate on the site. A Comodo certificate will expire at the end of October, 2013.
Netcraft also points out that several government certificates have expired, for example, and with the government shutdown they may stay expired for some time. Other sites are worse off: now redirects to